I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing. Louise Hay.
That should have made you smile 😃!
What if you were called to participate in a Social Experiment? And, what if the Social Experiment started on January 1, 2022? Yes - they already tracked you from January through August. No edits were allowed. No cuts to the production. Just Raw Adult Footage. No animations. No additional sound bites.
Here are the captions:
Only what you said!
Only what you did!
Only how you responded!
Don’t worry about what you didn’t do since the social experiment has already occurred.
Food for thought.
Think about your last 8 months. Delineated below are the categories. Select only one ☝️.
You judge/evaluate. No one knows your answer. For me - that’s a guiding principle. I care less about what people see me do or don’t do. I care about what I do and how I truly respond.
Pick one ☝️:
Wonder Woman
I messed up
Silly 😜
Oops (did I do that)
I did well
I did favorably
I didn’t mean it
Lord forgive me
Angry Person
Caring Person
That’s me!
Just think about your why! Then focus on how you continue to positivity SHIFT.
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