We should personify excellence via completion. To quote Nik Halik: “If we commit ourselves to successful completion of a task, then we personify excellence”
Since sharing is caring, and if you win, I win, it’s important that we all know that Seven (7) - is often communicated as a sense of “fullness” or “completeness”.
- Assignment understood!
- I’m done!
- Complete!
- Fulfilled!
- It is well!
Those are a few phrases that come to mind when I think of 7.
Short of a month ago, an amazing employee handed me her heartfelt Letter of Resignation. During our dialogue, I smiled - primarily because last month was seven (7) years with the organization for her. That’s a long time. No doubt she was #complete. She‘s young and vibrant and #ready. Might I add, she just celebrated a birthday. Celebrate 🎉 Good Times - C’Mon! 😊
Heck! When I first started working for my employer, I was 17 years old and it was 17 days before my birthday and during that year the numbers subtracted from each other equaled 7. I follow the 7s. Please continue to read. 😃🙏
I share with my friends and family to look for the 7s. 7s will not lead you Astray. 7s hit hard and are #memorable. They can help you find your compelling #why. You can plan! Certainly, I recommend that you are #present, #plugged & #positive when making life decisions around the 7s - because, I have found, 7s are truly the light that ‘shine’, so very brightly at the end of your tunnel.
To that end, currently, there are several sensenational 7s, in the life #learnedman. They feel absolutely #amazing. Follow the #7s. That’s it!
Have an Amazing Day!