Although used interchangeably and viewed as synonymous, all #truths are not #facts, but all #facts are #truths.
By example, the picture of the house associated with this blog - is the house I lived in - back in September of 1992. #truth #fact
As a child, I lived there when Hurricane Andrew hit South Florida. This house - still standing - has sheltered countless owners and renters. #facts. #Truth be told, those were very difficult times in my life. You see - #truths are based on beliefs. I know that #facts do support truths. But - you must know that #truths are backed by beliefs. Like you saying to your bae, you sexy and make me smile. That is your #truth.
Try this: Sing some of these lyrics by Whitney Houston: ‘I Believe In You & Me. I believe that we will be - in love eternally…as far as I can see…You will be the one for me.. That’s Whitney’s #Truth. Certainly, rooted on positive beliefs and full of positivity. #LOVE.
To the contrary, it’s not only a truth but it’s a fact that a president may serve office for 10 Years! Thats not a typo.. I know you thought it was a #fact that a president may serve only 8 years. Well! That is #true but… the #fact is… ‘The amendment caps the service of a president at 10 years. If a person succeeds to the office of president without election and serves less than two years, ‘he/she‘ may run for two full terms… Google (smiling)
Where am I headed with this? Take moments to learn more about the #facts of life so that your #truths are filled with honesty, Integrity, wisdom, kindness, goodwill, love, respect and dignity. Stay #Positive #Plugged & #Present.
Have an amazing day!